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"Orphic Awakening" - by asage @ deviantART |
Psychic/spiritual abilities are becoming increasingly popular by the year - even by the day. People are drawn to the idea of seeing beyond the limited five senses, because they're interested in exploring a power that is in no way "supernatural." In fact, it's extremely natural. But like most spiritual activities and occurrences, it was shut down by society - why? Because people thought of it as unknown, unnatural, and therefore frightening.
When developing spiritual abilities, it's best to go with the one that comes easiest to you. If you're more visual, go with clairvoyance. If you're more auditory, go with clairaudience. If you easily pick up on the feeling of spirit, go with clairsentience. And so on.
Another thing to keep in mind is FEAR. We'll say to you now that fear is a huge obstacle and will prevent you from truly opening up to spirit. It's wise to examine why you want to learn these skills to begin with. Are you wanting them to explore your inner self? To help others? Or do you want them so that you can impress people? Be aware that selfish intentions will not assist you in your quest to develop these skills. As for fear, here is a message from Source on the subject.
Developing Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is a visual skill and therefore works best for those who can easily visualize, or have a good imagination. You will probably be working with your spirit team/guides for most of these exercises, and although you don't necessarily need to know them to be able to develop the skill, it'll be for your benefit if you are aware of at least one of them. If you need some assistance discovering your guides, check out this link.+ Play games with your guides. Get creative. Ask them to send you a picture, a scene, or a color, and pay attention to what pops into your head. Remember what we said about information that seems to "pop in."
+ Use a deck of cards. Ask your guide(s) to join you and show you the color of each card in your mind's eye. Keep track of how many you get right and wrong (and the colors of each). Do this daily (this is also good for the intuition).
+ Work on your imagination and visualization skills. If you have downtime, practice visualizing an old house or school or workplace, or even try to visualize all the details in one of the rooms of your current house. Detail is the key. If you can see lots of details in your mind's eye, you're setting yourself up for a strong sense of clairvoyance.
+ When reading people, ask to see a color that best represents them, and see what pops into your head. When you seem proficient at this, try symbols, images, or scenes.
+ Spend time with your guides. Go on "meditation adventures," and immerse yourself in an imaginary world. Notice all the details of this place.
+ Soak yourself in as much imagery as possible. The more you know and are aware of, the easier it'll be for your guides to communicate visually with you. They use what's in your head, so the more you have available in there, the better off you'll be.
+ If you have downtime, try to "see" the lives of people around you. What kind of scenes come to you?
+ Imagination and open-mindedness is key. Let go of the doubt. KNOW that you are developing this skill. Make it fun.
Developing Clairaudience
This pretty much aligns with clairvoyance - just on a word basis.+ Play games with your guides. Ask them to send you a word or phrase, or some kind of song lyrics, and pay attention to what pops into your head.
+ When you go to sleep, instead of trying to tune out the noise around you, focus on it, and see how far you can push out your awareness. Is a TV on downstairs? Can you hear voices from next door? Dogs barking? Cars on the street?
+ Do the same thing when you're passing time, such as at work or in class, etc. Close your eyes (if you can) and pay attention to all the sounds around you: pencils scribbling, pages being flipped, keys being typed, voices, footsteps, etc. By doing this, you are practicing conscious hearing, which will sharpen your awareness of the sounds you hear inside your head.
+ Know your own voice. Know what it's like to form your own thoughts - that way, you can easily identify those that don't belong to you. Clairaudience manifests either as your own voice, or another's voice. Get familiar with the way your mind works.
+ Practice auto-writing as a means of writing down the voices, thoughts, and sounds you hear, or keep a journal of things you were aware of throughout your day. This will encourage the subconscious to more strongly recognize messages from spirit.
+ Once again, open-mindedness is key. Let go of any doubt and KNOW you are developing this skill.
Developing Claircognizance
Unfortunately, claircognizance isn't so much a skill you can "practice" - it's more a skill you have to pay attention to.+ Start by making the intention to your guides that you would like to start receiving information claircognizantly.
+ From then on, start paying close attention to the information that comes to you through your day. Notice what you "know", or any data that seems to have been dropped into your head.
+ Keep a journal to record this, so your subconscious knows to start paying closer attention.
+ Pay attention to any inspirational bursts you receive, for this is frequently claircognizance.
+ When asking someone for the truth about something, try and determine whether this person may be lying. You may already have a "knowing" that he/she is.
+ Auto-write, and often. Channeling is most often claircognizant information coming through, so sit down with your guides or source self and write about a certain topic. Ask them questions you wouldn't know about, and see what comes through.
+ If you're able - or willing - make time to meditate. Divine guidance comes through more easily when you are relaxed.
+ KNOW you are claircognizant. Set the intention to develop this skill, and let go of doubt. It's very easy to be doubtful when you have no idea where your information is coming from.
Developing Clairalience/Clairgustance
Like claircognizance, clairalience and clairgustance (taste) are trickier to "practice" - especially for those who have never experienced it before.+ Play games with your guides. Ask them for a scent that represents them and see what comes to mind, or ask them to give you a random scent/taste.
+ Try creating a scent/taste yourself and see if you can bring it to your physical nose or mouth. Replicating these aromas/flavors will help you identify them later on.
+ Take notice of all the scents and flavors you come across during your day, and for an extra boost, write them down. Writing things down is a very good way to encourage your subconscious to become more aware of them. Notice the smells around people who pass you. Notice the "details" of food, both in the nose and on the tongue. When you're outside, become aware of all the plants, flowers, and other earthy smells. The more you associate with your nose and mouth, the stronger and more frequently clairalience and clairgustance will come to you.
Developing Clairsentience
Since the initial stages of clairsentience only occur spontaneously (tingles in the presence of spirit, goosebumps, etc.), it can be a little tricky to develop this skill. You might need a little more patience for this one.+ Start by stating your intention to your guides. Tell them you would like to develop clairsentience, and to impulse you with tingles or goosebumps or energy waves whenever they would like to make themselves known.
+ Play games with them, as well. Ask them to touch an area of your body and see if you can feel anything. You can even use this in conjunction with other clair games; for instance, if you want to confirm a color you received via clairvoyance, ask them to touch or impulse you as confirmation.
+ Depend on your imagination. Imagination is a powerful tool, and people are often misled into believing that everything they receive from then on is a result of their creation, but this isn't true. Imagination is a stimulator that encourages your subconscious to actually do whatever it is you're imagining. You're programming it, basically. So imagine feeling spirits in a room, or imagine your guides really touching you (if you can't seem to feel them).
+ When this skill develops, you'll be able to expand it to all of your senses. At this point, you need to become hyper-aware, as this will make your subconscious hyper-aware. Pay attention to how you perceive color, or darkness, or light. Pay attention to how things feel against your skin, like wind or heat. People have become so dulled out that they walk around like zombies, oblivious to a world rich in creation. When you become hyper-aware of yourself and your surroundings, you can pick up on things you wouldn't have noticed otherwise. You will probably start feeling and seeing energy. In fact, imagine you are doing so.
+ When you become adept at being hyper-aware, try "pushing" your senses outward and seeing what you pick up. Sense the surroundings beyond your house, your neighborhood. See if you can pick up on the energy of movement, or if any smells/sights/sensations come to you. Immerse yourself. Start with imagination if you seem to be struggling.
Developing your psychic/spiritual skills takes TIME and PRACTICE, as well as good intentions. If you plan on acquiring such skills so you can invade others' privacy, forget about it. You won't get anywhere. Dedication is essential. Don't let yourself get discouraged if you don't seem to be getting results. Good, solid results take time and effort, but we assure you that with practice, you'll be seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting (ew?) the spirit world!Lulu and Finny xx
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